Tuesday, February 8, 2022

4 Considerations For a Hassle-Free Salesforce Data Migration

Do you intend to replace your old and outdated database systems? Or want to use the auxiliary application, database, or storage system along with the current CRM? If that’s the case, Salesforce can be a great choice for your organization.

The cloud-based SaaS solution offers easy migration through its built-in tools. With the help of a Salesforce Migration expert, you can carry out a hassle-free migration with little to no downtime. In this blog, we have listed crucial points that will help businesses have a seamless data transfer:

1. Analyze the Scope of Migration

Understanding workflow and data structure can help you overcome potential migration issues. Before getting started with Salesforce Migration, you should identify the source/destination for migration, select a migration pattern, tools, and more by consulting with a suitable expert. Hiring an expert will help you plan migration much better than what you would do with your in-house team.

2. Consider Pre-Migration Checks

Before you upload data in Salesforce, check that the data loader is configured as per your organization's timezone. Also, ensure that email deliverability is turned off so that customers don’t get unnecessary emails. Lastly, before going for migration pay special emphasis on defining order and methods for data migration. 

3. Don’t Bombard All Data at Once

Consider cleaning, optimizing, validating, and de-duplicating source data before beginning Salesforce Data Migration. This will help you reduce errors and simplify the testing process. We suggest firms not bombard all data at once, instead begin with small data sets (batches). This not only will make the process easier but will also help in eliminating errors in initial trials. 

4. Document the Entire Process

All the major testing and migration highlights should be well documented in a workbook. It would be helpful in case you revisit the previous migration changes or plan for a future migration/upgrade. Also, make sure you record data restrictions on various objects, relationships of primary/foreign keys, and log issues concisely.


Salesforce Migration requires thoughtful planning and consideration. With the above tips, you will be able to overcome complexities involved in migration and realize successful data migration be it from on-premise systems to Salesforce or vice-versa. To maximize the success of the migration process, do align certified Salesforce experts with proven tech acumen and prior experience.

Damco Group is a Salesforce Consulting Company that offers all kinds of data migration assistance to CRM users. For the Salesforce platform, we offer Salesforce to Salesforce Data Migration as well as on-premise to cloud migration support assistance.

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