Monday, March 22, 2021

How to Carry Out Salesforce Classic to Lightning Migration?

Salesforce enabled the Lightning Experience in January 2020 for all customers. Although one can still use Classic, the platform does not support upgrades for it. So if you are still leveraging Salesforce Classic, it is time you start planning for Lightning migration. 

The Lightning Experience is a feature-rich platform that offers various new and improved functionalities compared to the Classic version. Additionally, its low-code development features allow teams to redesign pages, develop apps and customize with minimal coding efforts.

While Salesforce Lightning Migration is beneficial for organizations, it requires careful planning and consideration to migrate properly.

Here is a step-by-step guide that will help you carry out a seamless migration to Lightning.

  1. Begin With Assessment

Before availing of Salesforce Lightning Support, a business should evaluate the workflows/processes, update needs, and the productivity level of users. If everything is fine then you still have time, however, if you feel that the lack of updates may derail your growth plans, then it is the right time to start thinking of migration.

  1. Do a Gap Analysis

A gap analysis is done to figure out the features you need in Classic. Are those available in Lightning and how will it impact your organization’s goals? Since organizational goals evolve over the years, one should see if the Classic will be able to match those evolving needs or not. 

  1. Test and Repeat

If the gap analysis tells you that your organization would do well on Lightning, then consider testing the Lightning UI. For this, firms can put a user or a group for a few days on Lightning Experience and collect their feedback for better analysis. Similarly, put another group and do a comparative study to figure out the scope of work.

  1. Do a Readiness Check

Once your users have an experience of the platform and there are positive signs to Salesforce Lightning Migration, it is time to do a Lightning Experience Readiness Check. The Readiness Check tool provides a readiness report giving users a quick idea of whether they are ready for migration or not. 

  1. Hire a Migration Expert

Once your power users have shared their insights on Lightning Experience, it is time to get leadership on board and plan for resource allocation. If you do not already have a migration expert, avail of the services of a Salesforce Lightning Services provider who will fill the gaps between classic and Lightning and implement the features. 

  1. Roll Out

Once the gaps have been filled by a migration expert, consider educating users about Lightning features. Once the users are confident with Lightning Experience, roll out by pressing launch. Also, don’t forget to have a consultant alongside for assistance for migration.


Salesforce Classic to Lightning Migration requires careful considerations and must be planned in phases. With proper planning, step-by-step procedure, and an expert consultant alongside, one can have a successful and easy migration to Lightning. 

Need assistance in migration? Connect with us virtually!

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